The Waste Lands (Book, 1992) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Waste Lands

The Waste Lands

Author: Stephen King
Publisher: London u.a. Hodder & Stoughton 1992
Series: Dark Tower, III
Edition/Format:   Print book : GermanView all editions and formats
Roland, the Last Gunstlinger, is moving ever closer to the Dark Tower, which haunts his dreams and nightmares. Pursued by the Ageless Stranger, he and his friends follow the perilous path to Lud, a scarred urban wasteland. As Roland crosses of desert of damnation in this macabre new world, revelations begin to unfold about who - and what - is driving him forward.
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Stephen King
ISBN: 034082977X 9780340829776
OCLC Number: 1020620222
Description: 584 Seiten
Series Title: Dark Tower, III
Responsibility: Stephen King.


Roland, the Last Gunstlinger, is moving ever closer to the Dark Tower, which haunts his dreams and nightmares. Pursued by the Ageless Stranger, he and his friends follow the perilous path to Lud, a scarred urban wasteland. As Roland crosses of desert of damnation in this macabre new world, revelations begin to unfold about who - and what - is driving him forward.
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