Untouchable (Book, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: Jayne Ann Krentz
Publisher: New York : Berkley, 2019. ©2019
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : First editionView all editions and formats
"A man's quest to find answers for those who are haunted by the past leads him deeper into the shadows in this electrifying novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Promise Not to Tell. Quinton Zane is back. Jack Lancaster, consultant to the FBI, has always been drawn to the coldest of cold cases, the kind that law enforcement either considers unsolvable or else has chalked up to accidents or suicides. As  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Romantic suspense fiction
Coming soon fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Romance fiction
Romantic suspense novels
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Jayne Ann Krentz
ISBN: 9780399585296 039958529X 9780349415932 0349415935
Language Note: In English.
OCLC Number: 1031939491
Description: 308 pages ; 24 cm
Responsibility: Jayne Ann Krentz.


The brand new, heart-pounding suspense thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz.  Read more...
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Publisher Synopsis

A couple to root for, a tiny hint of the supernatural, a page-burning plot, a vanquished villain (of course!), a sexy, heart-warming romance . . . Krentz never disappoints, and this one hits the Read more...


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