The waste lands (Book, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The waste lands

The waste lands

Author: Stephen King
Publisher: New York : Scribner, 2016. ©2003
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : First Scribner trade paperback editionView all editions and formats
Several months have passed since The Drawing of the Three, and Roland's two new tet-mates have become trained gunslingers. Eddie Dean has given up heroin, and Odetta's two selves have joined, becoming the stronger and more balanced personality of Susannah Dean. But Roland altered ka by saving the life of Jake Chambers, a boy who -- in Roland's world -- has already died. Now Roland and Jake exist in different worlds,  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fantasy fiction
Horror fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Stephen King
ISBN: 9781501143540 1501143549 9780606391641 0606391649
OCLC Number: 953225508
Description: xxvii, 609 pages ; 22 cm.
Contents: Book one: Jake: fear in a handful of dust --
Bear and bone --
Key and rose --
Door and demon --
Book two: Lud: a heap of broken images --
Town and Ka-tet --
Bridge and city --
Riddle and waste lands.
Responsibility: Stephen King.


Several months have passed since The Drawing of the Three, and Roland's two new tet-mates have become trained gunslingers. Eddie Dean has given up heroin, and Odetta's two selves have joined, becoming the stronger and more balanced personality of Susannah Dean. But Roland altered ka by saving the life of Jake Chambers, a boy who -- in Roland's world -- has already died. Now Roland and Jake exist in different worlds, but they are joined by the same madness: the paradox of double memories. Roland, Susannah, and Eddie must draw Jake into Mid-World and then follow the Path of the Beam all the way to the Dark Tower. There are new evils and new dangers to threaten Roland's little band in the devastated city of Lud and the surrounding wastelands, as well as horrific confrontations with Blaine the Mono, the piratical Gasher, and the frightening Tick-Tock Man.
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