Stuck rubber baby (Book, 1995) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Stuck rubber baby

Stuck rubber baby

Author: Howard Cruse
Publisher: New York : Paradox, 1995
Series: Fiction/gay studies/African-American studies
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : 1. printingView all editions and formats
Roman i tegneserieform fra 1960'ernes U.S.A., hvor en ung mand opvokset i sydstatsbyen Clayfield under kampen for borgerretigheder må erkende at han også skal udkæmpe en mere personlig kamp for at kunne acceptere at han er homoseksuel
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Howard Cruse
ISBN: 1563892553 9781563892554
OCLC Number: 467116297
Notes: På omslaget: Introduction by Tony Kushner
Originaludgave: 1995
Description: 210 sider : alle illustrations
Series Title: Fiction/gay studies/African-American studies
Responsibility: by Howard Cruse


Presents a story that is set in the South in the early '60s and deals with homophobia, racism and the gay subculture of that period.  Read more...
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