Stuck rubber baby (Book, 2020) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Stuck rubber baby

Stuck rubber baby

Author: Howard Cruse
Publisher: New York : First Second, [2020] ©2020
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : 25th anniversary editionView all editions and formats
Art and story combine powerfully in this lyrical tale of a young man caught in the maelstrom of the civil rights movement and the entrenched homophobia of small-town America. Toland Polk, the son of an uneducated white carpenter, has grown up in the Southern town of Clayfield. It is the 1960s, a time of passionate beliefs and violent emotions, and Clayfield's citizens are divided in the fight over segregation. As  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Cartoons and comics
Graphic novels
Comics (Graphic works)
Bandes dessinées
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Howard Cruse
ISBN: 1250249481 9781250249487
OCLC Number: 1198936413
Notes: "Stuck Rubber Baby was originally published in 1995 by Paradox Press, an imprint of DC Comics. It was republished in 2010 by Vertigo, also an imprint of DC Comics."--Colophon.
Description: 225 pages : illustrations
Responsibility: by Howard Cruse ; with an updated introduction by Alison Bechdel.


Just in time for its twenty-fifth anniversary, First Second is republishing Howard Cruse's groundbreaking intersectional graphic novel about coming out and finding your voice during the civil rights  Read more...
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