The silver mask (Book, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The silver mask

The silver mask

Author: Holly Black; Cassandra Clare
Publisher: London : Corgi Books, 2017.
Series: Magisterium
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Secondary (senior high) school : EnglishView all editions and formats
Na de dood van Aaron wordt Call (15) door de Assembly gevangen gezet en keer op keer streng ondervraagd. Als Call met behulp van de moeder van Constantine en Tamara weet te ontsnappen, valt hij in handen van zijn oude vijand Master Joseph. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
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Material Type: Fiction, Secondary (senior high) school
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Holly Black; Cassandra Clare
ISBN: 9780552567749 0552567744
OCLC Number: 1028934814
Notes: Oorspronkelijke uitgave: New York : Scholastic Press, 2017.
Description: 232 pagina's : zwart-wit illustraties ; 20 cm.
Series Title: Magisterium
Responsibility: Holly Black, Cassandra Clare.


His secret is out.He is facing an existence behind bars, banished from the rest of the magical community for what he is - for what he might become.But a shocking revelation has promised freedom - at  Read more...
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