Risked (e-book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Autor: Margaret Peterson Haddix
Editora: [Place of publication not identified] : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2013.
Edição/Formato   e-book : Documento : Ficção : Público juvenil : InglêsVer todas as edições e formatos
Jonah and Katherine journey to 1918 with the Romanov children in the sixth book of the New York Times bestselling The Missing series. It?s a paradox: When Jonah and Katherine find themselves on a mission to return Alexei and Anastasia Romanov to history and then save them from the Russian Revolution, they are at a loss. Because in their own time, the bones of Alexei and Anastasia have been positively identified  Ler mais...
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Gênero/Forma: Young adult literature
Time travel (Fiction)
Science fiction
Juvenile works
Time-travel fiction
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Pessoa Denominada: Anastasia, Grand Duchess daughter of Nicholas II Emperor of Russia; Alekseĭ Nikolaevich, Czarevitch son of Nicholas II Emperor of Russia; Anastasia, Grand Duchess daughter of Nicholas II Emperor of Russia; Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
Tipo de Material: Documento, Ficção, Público juvenil, Recurso Internet
Tipo de Documento Recursos de internet, Arquivo de computador
Todos os Autores / Contribuintes: Margaret Peterson Haddix
ISBN: 9781442426474 1442426470
Número OCLC: 869439408
Descrição: 1 online resource
Conteúdos: Chapter Thirty-FourChapter Thirty-Five; Chapter Thirty-Six; Chapter Thirty-Seven; Chapter Thirty-Eight; Chapter Thirty-Nine; Epilogue; Author's Note; Acknowledgments; 'Under Their Skin' Excerpt; About Margaret Peterson Haddix; Copyright
Responsabilidade: Margaret Peterson Haddix.


Jonah and Katherine journey to 1918 with the Romanov children in the sixth book of the New York Times bestselling The Missing series. It?s a paradox: When Jonah and Katherine find themselves on a mission to return Alexei and Anastasia Romanov to history and then save them from the Russian Revolution, they are at a loss. Because in their own time, the bones of Alexei and Anastasia have been positively identified through DNA testing. What hope do they have of saving Alexis and Anastasia?s lives when the twenty-first century has proof of their deaths?
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