Past perfect : a novel (Large print book, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Past perfect : a novel

Past perfect : a novel

Author: Danielle Steel
Publisher: New York : Random House, [2017] ©2017
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Large print editionView all editions and formats
Sybil and Blake Gregory are the quintessential 21st century power couple: she a cutting-edge interior designer; he a forward-thinking top business analyst. They revel in the privileged, ordered life they lead in Manhattan with their children, teenagers Andrew and Caroline and 6-year-old Charlie. But when Blake accepts a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the CEO of a visionary social media start-up in San  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Domestic fiction
Ghost stories
Paranormal fiction
Romance fiction
Histoires de fantômes
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Danielle Steel
ISBN: 9781683316718 1683316711
OCLC Number: 1025334284
Description: 358 pages (large print) ; 25 cm
Responsibility: Danielle Steel.


Sybil and Blake Gregory are the quintessential 21st century power couple: she a cutting-edge interior designer; he a forward-thinking top business analyst. They revel in the privileged, ordered life they lead in Manhattan with their children, teenagers Andrew and Caroline and 6-year-old Charlie. But when Blake accepts a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the CEO of a visionary social media start-up in San Francisco -- and then buys a magnificent turn-of-the-20th-century Pacific Heights mansion on impulse--all that will change. Built by the Butterfields, a prominent banking family, abandoned for decades, the grand house retains its exquisite furnishings and aura of long ago elegance. And that's not all it retains. The modern Gregorys are about to meet their ghostly long ago counterparts.
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