Paradox (Book, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: Catherine Coulter
Publisher: New York, NY : Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2019. ©2018
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : First Pocket books paperback editionView all editions and formats
"When an escaped mental patient fails to kidnap five-year-old Sean Savich, agents Sherlock and Savich know they're in his crosshairs and must find him before he continues with his kill list. Chief Ty Christie of Willicott, Maryland, witnesses a murder at dawn from the deck of her lake cottage. When dragging the lake, the divers find not only find the murder victim but also dozens of bones. Working together with  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Suspense fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Named Person: Lacey Sherlock, (Fictitious character); Lacey Sherlock, (Fictitious character)
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Catherine Coulter
ISBN: 9781501196409 1501196405
OCLC Number: 1109957459
Description: 484 pages ; 19 cm
Responsibility: Catherine Coulter.


"When an escaped mental patient fails to kidnap five-year-old Sean Savich, agents Sherlock and Savich know they're in his crosshairs and must find him before he continues with his kill list. Chief Ty Christie of Willicott, Maryland, witnesses a murder at dawn from the deck of her lake cottage. When dragging the lake, the divers find not only find the murder victim but also dozens of bones. Working together with Chief Christie, Savich and Sherlock soon discover a frightening connection between the bones and the escaped psychopath. Paradox is a chilling mix of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, old secrets that refuse to stay buried, and ruthless greed that keep Savich and Sherlock and Chief Christie working at high speed to uncover the truth before their own bones end up at the bottom of the lake"
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