The Other Girl (Large print book, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Other Girl

The Other Girl

Author: Erica Spindler
Publisher: Thorndike, USA Center Point Large Print 2017.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : English : Large Print edView all editions and formats
Officer Miranda Rader of the Harmony, Louisiana, PD is known for her honesty, integrity, and steady hand in a crisis but that wasnt always so. Miranda comes from the town of Jasper, a place about the size of a good spit on a hot day, and her side of the tracks was the wrong one.
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Erica Spindler
ISBN: 9781683246039 1683246039
OCLC Number: 1016505905
Description: 500 pages 22 cm


Officer Miranda Rader of the Harmony, Louisiana, PD is known for her honesty, integrity, and steady hand in a crisis but that wasnt always so. Miranda comes from the town of Jasper, a place about the size of a good spit on a hot day, and her side of the tracks was the wrong one.
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