Crescent: A Novel (eBook, 2004) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Crescent: A Novel

Crescent: A Novel

Author: Diana Abu-Jaber; 3M Company.
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : W.W. Norton & Company, 2004.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
"Abu-Jaber's voluptuous prose features insights into the Arab American community that are wisely, warmly depicted."? --?Vanity Fair?) is thirty-nine, never married, and living in the Arab-American community of Los Angeles. She has a passion for cooking and works contentedly in a Lebanese restaurant, while her storytelling uncle and her saucy boss, Umm Nadia, believe she should be trying harder to find a husband. One  Read more...
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Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Diana Abu-Jaber; 3M Company.
ISBN: 9780393066692 039306669X
OCLC Number: 1014253282
Notes: Electronic book.
Description: 1 online resource 1 online resource (416 pages)
Responsibility: Abu-Jaber, Diana.


"Abu-Jaber's voluptuous prose features insights into the Arab American community that are wisely, warmly depicted."? --?Vanity Fair?) is thirty-nine, never married, and living in the Arab-American community of Los Angeles. She has a passion for cooking and works contentedly in a Lebanese restaurant, while her storytelling uncle and her saucy boss, Umm Nadia, believe she should be trying harder to find a husband. One day Hanif, a handsome professor of Arabic literature, an Iraqi exile, comes to the restaurant. Sirine falls in love and finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew about Hanif, as well as her own torn identity as an Arab-American.
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