Never go back : a Jack Reacher novel (Grootletterboek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Never go back : a Jack Reacher novel

Never go back : a Jack Reacher novel

Auteur: Lee Child
Uitgever: New York : Delacorte Press, 2013.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   book_largeprint : Fictie : Engels : Doubleday large print home library edAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Former military cop Jack Reacher makes it all the way from snowbound South Dakota to his destination in northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th MP. The old stone building is the closest thing to a home he ever had. Reacher is there to meet--in person--the new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner, so far just a warm, intriguing voice on the phone. But it isn't  Meer lezen...
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Genre/vorm: Detective and mystery stories
Detective and mystery fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Materiaalsoort: Fictie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Lee Child
ISBN: 9781624907340 1624907342
OCLC-nummer: 1273632112
Beschrijving: 739 pages ; 22 cm.
Verantwoordelijkheid: Lee Child.


Former military cop Jack Reacher makes it all the way from snowbound South Dakota to his destination in northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th MP. The old stone building is the closest thing to a home he ever had. Reacher is there to meet--in person--the new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner, so far just a warm, intriguing voice on the phone. But it isn't Turner behind the CO's desk. And Reacher is hit with two pieces of shocking news, one with serious criminal consequences, and one too personal to even think about. When threatened, you can run or fight. Reacher fights, aiming to find Turner and clear his name, barely a step ahead of the army, and the FBI, and the D.C. Metro police, and four unidentified thugs. Combining an intricate puzzle of a plot and an exciting chase for truth and justice, Lee Child puts Reacher through his paces--and makes him question who he is, what he's done, and the very future of his untethered life on the open road.
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