Never Go Back : a Jack Reacher Novel (Book, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Never Go Back : a Jack Reacher Novel

Never Go Back : a Jack Reacher Novel

Author: Lee Child
Publisher: London : Bantam Books, 2014
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : Di 1 banView all editions and formats

NOW FILMED AS THE SECOND JACK REACHER MOVIE, STARRING TOM CRUISEDrop-out military cop Jack Reacher has finally hitch-hiked his way to Virginia. Reacher has no real reason to be here, except that  Read more...

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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Lee Child
ISBN: 9780857503503 0857503502
OCLC Number: 1082560316
Description: 518 pages ; 18 cm
Responsibility: by Lee Child.
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" He’s such a fascinating character to me…he’s a wish fulfilment for people. Reacher is brutal. He’s that guy whose eyeline you don’t want to be in. If you did something wrong and he’s got his eye on Read more...


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