Mr. lemoncello's great library race (eBook, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Mr. lemoncello's great library race

Mr. lemoncello's great library race

Author: Chris Grabenstein
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 2017.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : Juvenile audience : EnglishView all editions and formats
#1 New York Times bestselling author Chris Grabenstein is back with the third fantastically fun, puzzle-packed MR. LEMONCELLO adventure! On your marks. Get set. Lemon, cello, GO! Everyone's favorite game maker, Mr. Lemoncello, is testing out his new FABULOUS FACT-FINDING FRENZY game! If Kyle can make it through the first round, he and the other lucky finalists will go on a great race--by bicycle, bookmobile, and  Read more...
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Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Grabenstein, Chris.
Mr. lemoncello's great library race.
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 2017
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Juvenile audience, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Chris Grabenstein
ISBN: 9780553536089 0553536087
OCLC Number: 1109782725
Target Audience: Text Difficulty 3 - Text Difficulty 4.; 750; 750L
Description: 1 online resource
Responsibility: Chris Grabenstein.


#1 New York Times bestselling author Chris Grabenstein is back with the third fantastically fun, puzzle-packed MR. LEMONCELLO adventure! On your marks. Get set. Lemon, cello, GO! Everyone's favorite game maker, Mr. Lemoncello, is testing out his new FABULOUS FACT-FINDING FRENZY game! If Kyle can make it through the first round, he and the other lucky finalists will go on a great race--by bicycle, bookmobile, and even Mr. Lemoncello's corporate banana jet!--to find fascinating facts about famous Americans. The first to bring their facts back to the library will win spectacular prizes! But when a few surprising "facts" surface about Mr. Lemoncello, it might be GO TO JAIL and LOSE A TURN all at once! Could Kyle's hero be a fraud? It's winner take all, so Kyle and the other kids will have to dig deep to find out the truth before the GAME is OVER for Mr. Lemoncello and his entire fantastic empire! Filled with brand-new puzzles and games (including a hidden bonus puzzle!), this fast-paced read will have gamers and readers alike racing to the finish line because, like Mr. Lemoncello's commercials say, IS IT FUN? ... HELLO! IT'S A LEMONCELLO! * "An ode to libraries and literature that is a worthy successor to the original madman puzzle-master himself, Willy Wonka."--Booklist, Starred, on Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library "Just as much of an adventure as the first." --The Washington Post, on Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics.
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