The Money Shot (電子書, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
The Money Shot

The Money Shot

作者: Parnell Hall; OverDrive, Inc.
出版商: [S.I.] : Penguin Publishing Group, 2018.
版本/格式:   電子書 : 文獻 : 英語所有版本和格式的總覽
In the exhilarating new adventure from #1 New York Times -bestselling author Stuart Woods, Teddy Fay races to stop a scheme of extortion and a hostile takeover. Ever a man of mystery and intrigue, Teddy Fay has donned a new disguise?that of Mark Weldon, a stuntman and actor starring in Centurion Studios' newest film. When the picture's leading lady begins receiving blackmail threats, Teddy is in the perfect position  再讀一些...
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類型/形式: Thriller
資料類型: 文獻, 網際網路資源
文件類型 網際網路資源, 電腦檔案
所有的作者/貢獻者: Parnell Hall; OverDrive, Inc.
ISBN: 9780735218604 0735218609
OCLC系統控制編碼: 1151462133
描述: 1 online resource
責任: Parnell Hall.


In the exhilarating new adventure from #1 New York Times -bestselling author Stuart Woods, Teddy Fay races to stop a scheme of extortion and a hostile takeover. Ever a man of mystery and intrigue, Teddy Fay has donned a new disguise?that of Mark Weldon, a stuntman and actor starring in Centurion Studios' newest film. When the picture's leading lady begins receiving blackmail threats, Teddy is in the perfect position to investigate, and it soon becomes clear that the villains have more in their sights than just money. Money they've got. What they need is prestige, the cache of a respected studio to lend authority and legitimacy to their artistic endeavors . . . and a little bit of vengeance in the bargain. From the seedy hidden corners of Los Angeles to the glamorous Hollywood Hills, it will take every ounce of Teddy's cunning to save an actress's career, protect the studio, and finish filming Centurion's next big hit.
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