Mississippi mud : the true-crime bestseller of Southern justice and the Dixie mafia (eBook, 2010) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Mississippi mud : the true-crime bestseller of Southern justice and the Dixie mafia

Mississippi mud : the true-crime bestseller of Southern justice and the Dixie mafia

Author: Edward Humes
Publisher: New York : Gallery Books, [2010] ©2010
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Biography : English : Update with a new closing chapter and epilogueView all editions and formats
BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI: After the fatal shooting of one of the city?s most prominent couples?Vincent Sherry was a circuit court judge; his wife, Margaret, was running for mayor?their grief-stricken daughter came home to uncover the truth behind the crime that shocked a community and to follow leads that police seemed unable or unwilling to pursue. What Lynne Sposito soon discovered were bizarre connections to the Dixie  Read more...
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Genre/Form: True crime stories
Case studies
Récits criminels
Études de cas
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Humes, Edward.
Mississippi mud.
(DLC) 2011286482
Material Type: Biography, Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Edward Humes
ISBN: 9781476775883 1476775885
OCLC Number: 891853514
Description: 1 online resource (434 pages) : 29 photographs
Responsibility: Edward Humes.


BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI: After the fatal shooting of one of the city?s most prominent couples?Vincent Sherry was a circuit court judge; his wife, Margaret, was running for mayor?their grief-stricken daughter came home to uncover the truth behind the crime that shocked a community and to follow leads that police seemed unable or unwilling to pursue. What Lynne Sposito soon discovered were bizarre connections to the Dixie Mafia, a predatory band of criminals who ran The Strip, Biloxi?s beachfront hub of sex, drugs, and sleaze. Armed with a savvy private eye?and a .357 Magnum?Lynne bravely entered a teeming underworld of merciless killers, ruthless con men, and venal politicians in order to bring her parents? assassins to justice"--The publisher
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