Marrying Daisy Bellamy. (Large print book, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Marrying Daisy Bellamy.

Marrying Daisy Bellamy.

Author: Susan Wiggs
Publisher: Don Mills, Ontario, Canada : MIRA, ©2011.
Series: Lakeshore Chronicles, book 8
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Large print edView all editions and formats
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Susan Wiggs
ISBN: 9781611291544 1611291542
OCLC Number: 1267605385
Notes: Daisy Bellamy is ready to live happily ever after with Julian when she learns he has been killed in combat, and as she begins to heal from her grief, she finds herself drawn to Logan, the father of her young son, but just after marrying Logan, she receives shocking news that forces her to question her choices and wonder if she will ever be truly happy.
Description: 671 pages ; 22 cm
Series Title: Lakeshore Chronicles, book 8
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