League of extraordinary gentlemen - the Blackdossier. (Book, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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League of extraordinary gentlemen - the Blackdossier.

League of extraordinary gentlemen - the Blackdossier.

Author: Alan Moore
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified], DC Comics, 2018.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats
"England in the mid 1950s is not the same as it was. The powers that be have instituted ... some changes. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen have been disbanded and disavowed, and the country is under control of an iron-fisted regime. Now, after many years, the still youthful Mina Murray and a rejuvenated Allan Quatermain return and are in search of some answers. Answers that can only be found in a book buried  Read more...
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Genre/Form: comic books
comic strips
Comics (Graphic works)
Graphic novels
Science fiction comics
Bandes dessinées de science-fiction
Bandes dessinées
Comic books, strips, etc
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Alan Moore
ISBN: 1401284167 9781401284169
OCLC Number: 1057576716


From Alan Moore, literary figures from throughout time and various bodies of work are brought together to form the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! Now, the history and origins of the League are  Read more...
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Publisher Synopsis

"Acclaimed comics author Moore (Watchmen) has combined his love of 19th-century adventure literature with an imaginative mastery of its 20th-century corollary, the superhero comic book."--Publishers Read more...


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