Imię róży (eBook, 2006) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Imię róży

Imię róży

Author: Umberto Eco; Adam Szymanowski; Grzegorz Błachowicz
Publisher: Warszawa : Noir sur Blanc, ©2006.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : Polish : Wyd. 2View all editions and formats
The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. His delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths that take place in seven days and night of apocalyptic terror. The body of one monk is found in a cask of pigs' blood, another is floating in a bathhouse, still another is crushed at the foot of a cliff.
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Genre/Form: Powieść włoska
Mystery fiction
Historical fiction
Didactic fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
tłumaczenia polskie
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Umberto Eco; Adam Szymanowski; Grzegorz Błachowicz
Language Note: Fragm. tekstu w jęz. łac. i przekł. pol.
OCLC Number: 1288394958
Notes: Translation of: Nome della rosa.
Description: 1 online resource (604, [8] s. : map)
Other Titles: Nome della rosa.
Responsibility: Umberto Eco ; przeł. Adam Szymanowski ; [przekł. tekstów łac. Grzegorz Błachowicz].


The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. His delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths that take place in seven days and night of apocalyptic terror. The body of one monk is found in a cask of pigs' blood, another is floating in a bathhouse, still another is crushed at the foot of a cliff.
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