Look alive twenty-five : a Stephanie Plum novel # 25 (Kniha, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Look alive twenty-five : a Stephanie Plum novel # 25

Look alive twenty-five : a Stephanie Plum novel # 25

Autor Janet Evanovich
Vydavatel: New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2018.
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
There's nothing like a good deli, and the Red River Deli in Trenton is one of the best. World-famous for its pastrami, cole slaw, and for its disappearing managers. Over the last month, three have vanished from the face of the earth, and the only clue in each case is one shoe that's been left behind. The police are baffled. Lula is convinced that it's a case of alien abduction. Whatever it is, they'd better figure  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Humorous fiction
Osoba: Mystery fiction.
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Janet Evanovich
ISBN: 9780399179228 0399179224
OCLC číslo: 1231451511
Popis: 311 pages ; 25 cm.
Jiné tituly: Look alive 25.
Odpovědnost: Janet Evanovich.


There's nothing like a good deli, and the Red River Deli in Trenton is one of the best. World-famous for its pastrami, cole slaw, and for its disappearing managers. Over the last month, three have vanished from the face of the earth, and the only clue in each case is one shoe that's been left behind. The police are baffled. Lula is convinced that it's a case of alien abduction. Whatever it is, they'd better figure out what's going on before they lose their new manager, Ms. Stephanie Plum.
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