The Longest Ride (Book, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Longest Ride

The Longest Ride

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publisher: New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2015.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : Di 1 banView all editions and formats
Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples who have little in common, and who are separated by years and experience. Yet their lives will converge with unexpected poignancy, reminding us all that even the most difficult decisions can yield extraordinary journeys: beyond despair, beyond death, to the farthest reaches of the human heart.
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Genre/Form: Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Nicholas Sparks
ISBN: 9781455584734 1455584738
OCLC Number: 966102809
Description: 475 pages ; 19 cm
Responsibility: by Nicholas Sparks.


Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples who have little in common, and who are separated by years and experience. Yet their lives will converge with unexpected poignancy, reminding us all that even the most difficult decisions can yield extraordinary journeys: beyond despair, beyond death, to the farthest reaches of the human heart.
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