The longest ride (Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The longest ride

The longest ride

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publisher: London : Sphere, 2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : Di 1 banView all editions and formats
This is the story of two couples whose parallel love stories intersect in profound and surprising ways. Ninety-one year old Ira Levinson is in trouble. Struggling to stay conscious after a car crash, with his mind fading, an image of his beloved, and long-dead, wife Ruth appears. Urging him to hang on, she lovingly recounts the joys and sorrows of their life together - how they met, the dark days of WWII, and its  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Love stories
Romance fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Nicholas Sparks
ISBN: 9780751549959 0751549959 0751549975 9780751549973 9780751558487 0751558486 9780751549942 0751549940 9780751554496 0751554499
OCLC Number: 966009147
Description: xi, 398 pages ; 24 cm
Contents: Ninety-one year old Ira Levinson is in trouble. Struggling to stay conscious after a car crash, his mind fading, an image of his beloved, and long-dead, wife Ruth appears. Forcing him to hang on, she lovingly recounts the joys and sorrows of their life together. College student Sophia Danko's life is about to change. Recovering from a break-up, her encounter with young cowboy Luke throws her into a world free of privileged frat boys, where survival is real and terrifying. But while Sophie begins to see a different future for herself, Luke has a secret which threatens it all. Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples, separated by years and experience, whose lives are about to converge in the most unexpected --
and shocking --
of ways.
Responsibility: Nicholas Sparks.


In the tradition of his beloved first novel, The Notebook, bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with this epic story of two couples whose parallel love stories intersect in profound and  Read more...
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Publisher Synopsis

Nicholas Sparks clearly knows how to tug at heartstrings and so he proves again with this tale of two love stories . . . The fortunes of both romances are described with a noticeably old-fashioned Read more...


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