The longest ride (Book, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The longest ride

The longest ride

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publisher: New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2015.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : First mass market media tie-in editionView all editions and formats
After he is trapped in an isolated car crash, the life of an elderly widower becomes entwined with that of a young college student and the cowboy she loves.
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Genre/Form: Romance fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Nicholas Sparks
ISBN: 9781455584734 1455584738
OCLC Number: 903529847
Notes: "Now a major motion picture from Twentieth Century Fox"--Cover.
Description: xviii, 475 pages : color illustrations ; 18 cm
Responsibility: Nicholas Sparks.


After he is trapped in an isolated car crash, the life of an elderly widower becomes entwined with that of a young college student and the cowboy she loves.
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