The longest ride : a novel (Book, 2022) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The longest ride : a novel

The longest ride : a novel

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publisher: New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2022. ©2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : Mass market oversize reissue editionView all editions and formats
"Ira Levinson is in trouble. Ninety-one years old, stranded and injured after a car crash, he struggles to retain consciousness until a blurry image materializes beside him: his beloved wife, Ruth, who passed away nine years ago. Urging him to hang on, she forces him to remain alert by reminiscing about their life together. A few miles away, at a local bull-riding event, university senior Sophia Danko meets a young  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Romance fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Nicholas Sparks
ISBN: 9781538709801 1538709805
OCLC Number: 1347116254
Notes: Includes an excerpt from The wish.
Description: xii, 482 pages ; 19 cm
Responsibility: Nicholas Sparks.


"Ira Levinson is in trouble. Ninety-one years old, stranded and injured after a car crash, he struggles to retain consciousness until a blurry image materializes beside him: his beloved wife, Ruth, who passed away nine years ago. Urging him to hang on, she forces him to remain alert by reminiscing about their life together. A few miles away, at a local bull-riding event, university senior Sophia Danko meets a young cowboy named Luke. In Luke's world, reward and ruin--and even life and death--loom large. As she and Luke fall in love, Sophia finds herself imagining a future far removed from her plans--if the secret Luke's keeping doesn't destroy it first. Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples who have little in common, separated by years and experience. Yet their lives will converge with unexpected poignancy, reminding us all that even the most difficult decisions can yield extraordinary journeys."--Back cover.
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