Zui man zhang de lü cheng = The longest ride (Book, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Zui man zhang de lü cheng = The longest ride

最漫长的旅程 = The longest ride /
Zui man zhang de lü cheng = The longest ride

Author: 斯帕克思 (Sparks, Nicholas) (美)尼古拉斯·斯帕克思(Nicholas Sparks)著;王洋译. 王洋 ; Nicholas Sparks.; Yang Wang
Publisher: 文汇出版社, Shanghai : Wen hui chu ban she, 2017.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Chinese : Di 1 banView all editions and formats
Ben shu jiang shu le:zai tong ku di jie shu le yi duan lian qing yi hou,Da xue sheng suo fei ya yu jian le ying xiong jiu mei de niu zi lu ke.Ta si hu jiu shi ta yi zhi yi lai deng dai de nei ge ren.Ran er zhei ge jin hu wan mei de nan ren que si hu yi zhi zai yin man yi ge mi mi.Duo nian yi lai,Gu gua lao ren ai le dou zai huai nian zi ji de wang qi lu si.Zai yi chang che huo li,Bin si de ta kan dao le wang qi de  Read more...
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: 斯帕克思 (Sparks, Nicholas) (美)尼古拉斯·斯帕克思(Nicholas Sparks)著;王洋译. 王洋 ; Nicholas Sparks.; Yang Wang
ISBN: 9787549620678 7549620679
OCLC Number: 1050915963
Notes: Du ke wai guo xiao shuo wen ku 186 si pa ke si xi lie zuo pin.
Description: 425 p.; 22cm.
Other Titles: Longest ride.
Responsibility: (mei)Ni gu la si Si pa ke si(Nicholas Sparks)Zhu;Wang yang yi.


Ben shu jiang shu le:zai tong ku di jie shu le yi duan lian qing yi hou,Da xue sheng suo fei ya yu jian le ying xiong jiu mei de niu zi lu ke.Ta si hu jiu shi ta yi zhi yi lai deng dai de nei ge ren.Ran er zhei ge jin hu wan mei de nan ren que si hu yi zhi zai yin man yi ge mi mi.Duo nian yi lai,Gu gua lao ren ai le dou zai huai nian zi ji de wang qi lu si.Zai yi chang che huo li,Bin si de ta kan dao le wang qi de huan ying,Zhui yi qi le liang ge ren wang xi de xing fu sheng huo.Liang dui chu yu bu tong shi kong de lian ren,Shi fou neng gou li jie ai de zhen zheng han yi;Ming yun you hui zen yang rang ta men sheng huo de gui ji jiao zhi;Zai ren sheng zhei duan man zhang de lü cheng li,Zhen zheng zhong yao de dao di shi shen me ni.
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