Long road to mercy (Libro, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Long road to mercy

Long road to mercy

Autor: David Baldacci
Editorial: New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2019.
Edición/Formato:   Libro impreso : Ficción : Inglés (eng) : U.S. trade paperback editionVer todas las ediciones y todos los formatos
Atlee Pine, an FBI special agent assigned to the remote wilds of the western United States. Ever since her twin sister was abducted by a notorious serial killer at age five, Atlee has spent her life hunting down those who hurt others. And she's the best at it. She could be one of the Bureau's top criminal profilers, if she didn't prefer catching criminals in the vast wilderness of the West to climbing the career  Leer más
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Género/Forma: Fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Persona designada: Atlee (Fictitious character) Pine
Tipo de material: Ficción
Tipo de documento Libro
Todos autores / colaboradores: David Baldacci
ISBN: 9781538761533 153876153X
Nota del idioma: In English.
Número OCLC: 1111581279
Notas: "Includes excerpt from Redemption, copyright ©2019 by Colombus Rose, Ltd."
"Originally published in hardcover ... in November 2018."
Descripción: 430 pages ; 21 cm
Responsabilidad: David Baldacci.


Atlee Pine, an FBI special agent assigned to the remote wilds of the western United States. Ever since her twin sister was abducted by a notorious serial killer at age five, Atlee has spent her life hunting down those who hurt others. And she's the best at it. She could be one of the Bureau's top criminal profilers, if she didn't prefer catching criminals in the vast wilderness of the West to climbing the career ladder in the D.C. office. Her chosen mission is a lonesome one--but that suits her just fine. Now, Atlee is called in to investigate the mutilated carcass of a mule found in the Grand Canyon--and hopefully, solve the disappearance of its rider. But this isn't the only recent disappearance. In fact, it may be just the first clue, the key to unraveling a rash of other similar missing persons cases in the canyon.
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