Lethal agent (Libro, 2020) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Lethal agent

Lethal agent

Autore: Kyle Mills; Vince Flynn
Pubblicazione: New York, NY : Pocket Books, 2020. ©2019
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : Fiction : Inglese : Pocket books paperback editionVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
A toxic presidential election is underway in an America already badly weakened by internal divisions. While politicians focus entirely on maintaining their own power and privilege, ISIS kidnaps a brilliant French microbiologist and forces him to begin manufacturing anthrax. Slickly-produced videos chronicling his progress and threatening an imminent attack are posted to the Internet, intensifying the hysteria  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: Action and adventure fiction
Political fiction
Spy fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Spy stories
Adventure fiction
Suspense fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Persona nominata: Mitch Rapp, (Fictitious character); Mitch Rapp, (Fictitious character)
Tipo materiale: Fiction
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Kyle Mills; Vince Flynn
ISBN: 9781501190636 1501190636
Numero OCLC: 1199217415
Note: Includes excerpt from Total Power.
Descrizione: 423 pages ; 20 cm
Altri titoli: Vince Flynn
Responsabilità: Kyle Mills.


A toxic presidential election is underway in an America already badly weakened by internal divisions. While politicians focus entirely on maintaining their own power and privilege, ISIS kidnaps a brilliant French microbiologist and forces him to begin manufacturing anthrax. Slickly-produced videos chronicling his progress and threatening an imminent attack are posted to the Internet, intensifying the hysteria gripping the U.S. ISIS recruits a Mexican drug cartel to smuggle the bioweapon across the border, but it's really just a diversion. The terrorist organization needs to keep Mitch Rapp and Irene Kennedy distracted long enough to weaponize a deadly virus that they stumbled upon in Yemen. If they succeed, they'll trigger a pandemic that could rewrite the world order. Rapp embarks on a mission to infiltrate the Mexican cartels and track down the ISIS leader who he failed to kill during their last confrontation. But with Washington's political elite increasingly lined up against him, he knows he'll be on his own.
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