The lake of dreams (Large print book, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The lake of dreams

The lake of dreams

Author: Kim Edwards
Publisher: Waterville, ME : Thorndike Press, 2011.
Series: Thorndike Press large print basic.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Large print edView all editions and formats
In this book, the author tells the story of a woman's homecoming, a family secret, and the old house that holds the key to the true legacy of a family. At a crossroads in her life, Lucy Jarrett returns home from Japan, only to find herself haunted by her father's unresolved death a decade ago. Old longings stirred up by Keegan Fall, a local glass artist who was once her passionate first love, lead her into the  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Large type books
Psychological fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Kim Edwards
ISBN: 1410432858 9781410432858
OCLC Number: 1101153750
Description: 657 p. (large print) ; 23 cm.
Series Title: Thorndike Press large print basic.
Responsibility: by Kim Edwards.


In this book, the author tells the story of a woman's homecoming, a family secret, and the old house that holds the key to the true legacy of a family. At a crossroads in her life, Lucy Jarrett returns home from Japan, only to find herself haunted by her father's unresolved death a decade ago. Old longings stirred up by Keegan Fall, a local glass artist who was once her passionate first love, lead her into the unexpected. Late one night, as she paces the hallways of her family's rambling lakeside house, she discovers, locked in a window seat, a collection of objects that first appear to be useless curiosities. But soon they reveal a deeper and more complex family past. As Lucy discovers and explores the traces of her lineage from an heirloom tapestry and dusty political tracts to a web of allusions depicted in stained glass windows throughout upstate New York, the family story she has always known is shattered. Lucy's quest for the truth reconfigures her family's history, links her to a unique slice of the suffragette movement, and yields dramatic insights that embolden her to live freely. With surprises at every turn, this is a saga in which every element emerges as a carefully place piece of the puzzle.
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