It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism (eBook, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism

It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism

Author: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
Publisher: New York : Basic Books, 2016.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
Hyperpartisanship is as old as American democracy. But now, acrimony is not confined to a moment; it's a permanent state of affairs and has seeped into every part of the political process. Identifying the overriding problems that have led Congress-and the United States-to the brink of institutional collapse, It's Even Worse Than It Looks profoundly altered the debate about why America's government has become so  Read more...
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Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Mann, Thomas E.
It's even worse than it looks.
New York : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, 2016
(DLC) 2015487350
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
ISBN: 0465096735 9780465096732
OCLC Number: 946105060
Description: 1 online resource : illustrations
Contents: Preface to the 2016 paperback edition --
The new politics of hostage taking --
The seeds of dysfunction --
Beyond the debt ceiling fiasco --
Bromides to avoid --
Fixing the party system --
Reforming U.S. political institutions --
Navigating the current system --
Afterword to the 2016 paperback edition.
Responsibility: Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein.


"[Mann and Ornstein] have done the public a great service-and have been much braver than many in the media, the think tanks, or Congress-in using their personal credibility to clearly describe what  Read more...
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