It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism (Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism

It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism

Author: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
Publisher: New York : Basic Books, 2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : 1st paperback edView all editions and formats
Two leading experts on Congress outline recommendations for ending obstructionist tactics and artificial barriers to compromise, suggesting specific institutional restructuring measures while calling on the public and media to work with government to correct problems rather than perpetuating acerbic campaign cycles.
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
ISBN: 9780465074730 0465074731 9780465031368 0465031366
OCLC Number: 884614049
Notes: "With a new preface and afterword by the authors"--> ov.
Description: XXIV, 248 str. : graf. prikazi ; 21 cm
Responsibility: Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein.


Two leading experts on Congress outline recommendations for ending obstructionist tactics and artificial barriers to compromise, suggesting specific institutional restructuring measures while calling on the public and media to work with government to correct problems rather than perpetuating acerbic campaign cycles.
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