Insurgent (Book, 1900s) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: Veronica Roth
Publisher: London : HarperCollinsPublishers, 2013. ©2012.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats
The thrillingly dark sequel to New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT - a major motion picture in 2014. One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. Tris Prior's initiation day should have been marked by victorious celebrations with her chosen faction; instead it ended with unspeakable horrors. Now unrest surges in the factions around her as conflict between their ideologies grows. War seems inevitable; and  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Veronica Roth
ISBN: 0007536747 9780007536740
OCLC Number: 1152141225
Notes: Originally published: London : HarperCollins Children's, 2012.
Target Audience: Aged13+.
Description: 525 pages ; 20 cm.
Responsibility: Veronica Roth.


The thrillingly dark sequel to New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT - a major motion picture in 2014. One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. Tris Prior's initiation day should have been marked by victorious celebrations with her chosen faction; instead it ended with unspeakable horrors. Now unrest surges in the factions around her as conflict between their ideologies grows. War seems inevitable; and in times of war sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge and choices will become ever more irrevocable. Tris has already paid a terrible price for survival and is wracked by haunting grief and guilt. But radical new discoveries and shifting relationships mean that she must fully embrace her Divergence - even though she cannot know what might be lost in doing so. New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth's much-anticipated second book of the dystopian Divergent trilogy is another intoxicating thrill-ride, rich with hallmark twists, heartbreak, romance and powerful insights about human nature.
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