The inn at Rose Harbor (eBook, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The inn at Rose Harbor

The inn at Rose Harbor

Author: Debbie Macomber
Publisher: [North Sydney] : RHA eBooks Adult, 2012.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
A heart-warming new series from international bestseller Debbie Macomber, who now has over 150 million copies of her books in print worldwide! From the minute she sees the Rose Harbor Inn, Jo Marie Barlow knows that this is the place that will help her find the peace she craves. And if the inn can comfort her, surely it can offer the same refuge to her first two guests. Joshua Weaver has come home to care for his  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Debbie Macomber
ISBN: 9781742751757 174275175X
OCLC Number: 933297154
Description: 1 online resource
Responsibility: Debbie Macomber.


A heart-warming new series from international bestseller Debbie Macomber, who now has over 150 million copies of her books in print worldwide! From the minute she sees the Rose Harbor Inn, Jo Marie Barlow knows that this is the place that will help her find the peace she craves. And if the inn can comfort her, surely it can offer the same refuge to her first two guests. Joshua Weaver has come home to care for his ailing stepfather. The two have never seen eye to eye, but a long-lost acquaintance proves to him that forgiveness is always possible and love can bloom in the unlikeliest of places. Abby Kinkaid left Cedar Cover twenty years ago after a devastating accident. But as she reconnects with family and old friends, she realizes that she needs to let the past go if she is to embrace her future. Jo Marie, Joshua and Abby: Can Cedar Cove heal their hearts and bring them hope for tomorrow? A touching novel of life's grand possibilities and the heart's ability to heal, The Inn at Rose Harbor is a welcome introduction to an unforgettable set of friends.
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