Incredibles 2 (Bluray video, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Incredibles 2

Incredibles 2

Author: Brad Bird; Michael Giacchino
Publisher: Walt Disney, 2018.
Edition/Format:   Bluray Video : Videodisc : Animation : Blu-ray disc   Visual material : EnglishView all editions and formats
Brad Bird writes and directs this animated adventure sequel featuring the voice talents of Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson and Samuel L. Jackson. When his wife Helen (Hunter) is given a new job fighting crime in her guise as Elastigirl, Bob Parr (Nelson) is left at home to take care of the kids. Struggling to maintain order after discovering his youngest son has developed extremely potent superpowers, Bob is once  Read more...
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Material Type: Animation, Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Brad Bird; Michael Giacchino
Language Note: In English, Castilian Spanish, Catalan Spanish; subtitles in Castilian Spanish; subtitles for hard of hearing in English.
OCLC Number: 1153550776
Notes: BRN.
Made in 2018.
Other documentaries ('Auntie Edna', 'Strong Coffee: A Lesson in Animation With Brad Bird', 'Easter Eggs'), 'Bao'.
Credits: Producer, Nicole Paradis Grindle; producer, John Walker; writer, Brad Bird; music, Michael Giacchino.
Cast: Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Huck Milner, Samuel L. Jackson, Brad Bird, Jonathan Banks, Bob Odenkirk, Sophia Bush, John Ratzenberger.
Target Audience: BBFC code: PG.
Description: 1 Blu-Ray (118 min.) : col.
Details: Blu-Ray (Region A,B,C).
Responsibility: director, Brad Bird.


Brad Bird writes and directs this animated adventure sequel featuring the voice talents of Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson and Samuel L. Jackson. When his wife Helen (Hunter) is given a new job fighting crime in her guise as Elastigirl, Bob Parr (Nelson) is left at home to take care of the kids. Struggling to maintain order after discovering his youngest son has developed extremely potent superpowers, Bob is once again called on to take on his role as Mr. Incredible and join forces with Helen and best friend Frozone (Jackson) when a mysterious new supervillain begins causing havoc in the city.
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