Tong xue, shang ke le!miao guan jia tang ni de cai niao lao shi jiao xue shi lu (Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Tong xue, shang ke le!miao guan jia tang ni de cai niao lao shi jiao xue shi lu

同學, 上課了!妙管家湯尼的菜鳥老師教學實錄 /
Tong xue, shang ke le!miao guan jia tang ni de cai niao lao shi jiao xue shi lu

Author: 丹薩 湯尼.丹薩(Tony Danza)著 ; 湯淑君譯. 湯淑君, ; Tony Danza; Shujun Tang
Publisher: 商周出版, 城邦文化出版 : 家庭傳媒城邦分公司發行, Tai bei shi : Shang zhou chu ban, cheng bang wen hua chu ban : Jia ting chuan mei cheng bang fen gong si fa xing, 2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Chinese : Chu banView all editions and formats
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: 丹薩 湯尼.丹薩(Tony Danza)著 ; 湯淑君譯. 湯淑君, ; Tony Danza; Shujun Tang
ISBN: 9789862723982 986272398X
OCLC Number: 854900217
Notes: Ben shu yi zi: I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had: my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High.
Description: 327 mian ; 21 gong fen
Other Titles: I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had: my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High.
Responsibility: tang ni.dan sa(Tony Danza) zhu ; tang shu jun yi.
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