I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had : my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High (eBook, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had : my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High

I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had : my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High

Author: Tony Danza
Publisher: New York : Crown Archetype, ©2012.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Biography : English : 1st edView all editions and formats
Television, screen and stage star Tony Danza's absorbing account of a year spent teaching tenth-grade English at Northeast High -- Philadelphia's largest high school with 3600 students.
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Genre/Form: Anecdotes
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Danza, Tony.
I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had.
New York : Crown Archetype, ©2012
(DLC) 2012011320
Named Person: Tony Danza; Tony Danza; Tony Danza
Material Type: Biography, Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Tony Danza
ISBN: 9780307887887 030788788X
OCLC Number: 809669659
Description: 1 online resource (262 pages)
Contents: First semester. You're fired, go teach! ; Ignorance is no excuse ; Do now ; The half-sandwich club ; Making the grade ; Never smile before Christmas --
Second semester. Field tripping ; Poetic justice ; Our Atticus ; Spring fever ; Finals ; If ... --
Other Titles: I would like to apologize to every teacher I ever had
Responsibility: Tony Danza.


Television, screen and stage star Tony Danza's absorbing account of a year spent teaching tenth-grade English at Northeast High -- Philadelphia's largest high school with 3600 students.
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