Hachune Miku's everyday Vocaloid paradise. Volume 2 (Book, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Hachune Miku's everyday Vocaloid paradise. Volume 2

Hachune Miku's everyday Vocaloid paradise. Volume 2

Author: Ontama
Publisher: New York : Seven Seas, 2018.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
The first fan creation to receive official recognition within the Vocaloid world, Hachune Miku is the small and spirited spin-off character of the famous Hatsune Miku. Equally recognizable by her long pigtails and affiliation with leeks, Hachune Miku goes on her own colorful adventures in this collection of comedic shorts.
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Genre/Form: Graphic novels
Translations into English
Named Person: Ontama
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Ontama
ISBN: 9781626926820 1626926824
OCLC Number: 1065320326
Notes: Translated from the Japanese.
Description: 1 volume : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
Responsibility: Ontama.


The first fan creation to receive official recognition within the Vocaloid world, Hachune Miku is the small and spirited spin-off character of the famous Hatsune Miku. Equally recognizable by her long pigtails and affiliation with leeks, Hachune Miku goes on her own colorful adventures in this collection of comedic shorts.
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