Fushigi yugi : the mysterious play, Vol. 17: Demon (Book, 2000) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Fushigi yugi : the mysterious play, Vol. 17: Demon

Fushigi yugi : the mysterious play, Vol. 17: Demon

Author: Y ︣ Watase; William Flanagan; Bill Spicer
Publisher: San Francisco CA : Viz LLC., 2005.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Juvenile audience : English : Shj̥o edView all editions and formats
When Tenko steals the four stones Miaka has collected, she begins to lose hope of ever retrieving Taka's memories. Then Tenko manipulates Miaka and Taka's friends to drive a wedge between them and ensure their defeat.
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Genre/Form: Manga
Graphic novels
Comic books, strips, etc
Material Type: Fiction, Juvenile audience
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Y ︣ Watase; William Flanagan; Bill Spicer
ISBN: 9781421501802 1421501805
OCLC Number: 609040124
Target Audience: Rated T+ for older teens.
Description: 185 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Responsibility: story & art by Y W︣atase ; [English adaptation, William Flanagan ; touch-up & lettering, Bill Spicer ; touch-up assistance, Walden Wong].


When Tenko steals the four stones Miaka has collected, she begins to lose hope of ever retrieving Taka's memories. Then Tenko manipulates Miaka and Taka's friends to drive a wedge between them and ensure their defeat.
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