Feminism on the border : Chicana gender politics and literature (Book, 2000) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Feminism on the border : Chicana gender politics and literature

Feminism on the border : Chicana gender politics and literature

Author: Sonia Saldívar-Hull
Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press, [2000]
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats
"In this bold contribution to contemporary feminist theory, Sonia Saldivar-Hull argues for a feminism that transcends national borders and ethnic identities. Grounding her work in an analysis of the novels and short stories of three Chicana writers--Gloria Anzaldua, Sandra Cisneros, and Helena Maria Viramontes--Saldivar-Hull examines a range of Chicana feminist writing from several disciplines, which she collects  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Criticism, interpretation, etc
Additional Physical Format: Online version:
Saldívar-Hull, Sonia, 1951-
Feminism on the border.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000
Named Person: Gloria Anzalduá; Sandra Cisneros; Helena María Viramontes; A Andrae; Sandra Cisneros; Gloria Anzalduá; Helena María Viramontes
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Sonia Saldívar-Hull
ISBN: 0520207327 9780520207325 0520207335 9780520207332
OCLC Number: 42764900
Description: xii, 214 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Contents: Reading Tejana, reading Chicana --
Chicana feminisms: from ethnic identity to global solidarity --
Mestiza consciousness and politics: Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La frontera --
Mujeres en Lucha/mujeres de fuerza: women in struggle/women of strength in Sandra Cisneros's border narratives --
"I hear the women's wails and I know them to be my own": from mujer to collective identities in Helena María Viramontes's U.S. third world --
Epilogue: "Refugees of a world on fire": geopolitical feminisms.
Responsibility: Sonia Saldívar-Hull.


Offers a comprehensive account of Chicana feminist writing. Presenting an analysis of the novels and short stories of three Chicana writers - Gloria Anzaldua, Sandra Cisneros, and Helena Maria  Read more...
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