Encyclopædia of emancipation and abolition in the transatlantic world (eBook, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Encyclopædia of emancipation and abolition in the transatlantic world

Encyclopædia of emancipation and abolition in the transatlantic world

Author: Junius P Rodriguez
Publisher: Armonk, N.Y. : Sharpe Reference, ©2007
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Biography : EnglishView all editions and formats
This unique A-Z encyclopedia examines every effort to end slavery in the United States and the transatlantic world. It focuses on massive, broad-based movements, as well as specific incidents, events, and developments, and pulls together in one place information previously available only in a wide variety of sources. While it centers on the United States, the set also includes authoritative accounts of emancipation  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Encyclopedias
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Encyclopædia of emancipation and abolition in the transatlantic world.
Armonk, N.Y. : Sharpe Reference, ©2007
(DLC) 2006035834
Material Type: Biography, Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Junius P Rodriguez
ISBN: 9781849725149 1849725144
OCLC Number: 813241998
Notes: Titre de l'écran titre (visionné le 25 septembre 2012).
Description: 1 ressource en ligne (564 éléments) : 104 images, fichiers numériques
Contents: Topic Finder, Contributors, Preface, Acknowledgments, Introduction, Map, Volume 1: A–Z Entries, Volume 2, Volume 3: Documents, Chronology, Bibliography, Index
Other Titles: Encyclopedia of emancipation and abolition in the transatlantic world
Responsibility: edited by Junius Rodriguez.


Examines the efforts to end slavery in the United States and the transatlantic world. This work focuses on massive, broad-based movements, as well as specific incidents, events, and developments.  Read more...
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