Dumb and Dumber (DVD video, 2003) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber

Author: Peter Farrelly
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : EIV, 2003.
Edition/Format:   DVD videoView all editions and formats
JIM CARREY (Bruce Almighty, The Mask, Liar, Liar) and JEFF DANIELS (Speed, Fly Away Home) are too lame to live - and too dense to die - as a pair of deliriously dim-witted pals on a cross-country road trip to return a briefcase full of cash to its rightful owner. Along the way they'll confound cops, kidnappers and anyone and everyone who has the misfortune of crossing their paths in this comic caper for every idiot  Read more...
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Material Type: Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Peter Farrelly
OCLC Number: 786233637
Description: 1 videodisc (DVD) (101 min.)
Responsibility: starring Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly.


JIM CARREY (Bruce Almighty, The Mask, Liar, Liar) and JEFF DANIELS (Speed, Fly Away Home) are too lame to live - and too dense to die - as a pair of deliriously dim-witted pals on a cross-country road trip to return a briefcase full of cash to its rightful owner. Along the way they'll confound cops, kidnappers and anyone and everyone who has the misfortune of crossing their paths in this comic caper for every idiot in the family!
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