Dumb & dumber (DVD video, 2008) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Dumb & dumber

Dumb & dumber

Author: Peter Farrelly; Bennett Yellin; Bobby Farrelly
Publisher: Stockholm : Svensk filmindustri, [2008]
Edition/Format:   DVD video : EnglishView all editions and formats
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Material Type: Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Peter Farrelly; Bennett Yellin; Bobby Farrelly
Language Note: Tal på engelska. Textad på svenska, norska, danska, finska och engelska.
OCLC Number: 1182030664
Notes: Produktion: USA, 1994.
Performer(s): Skådespelare: Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Karen Duffy, Victoria Rowell [med flera].
Event notes: Inspelning: 1994.
Target Audience: Från 11 år.
Description: 1 DVD-video (1 tim., 49 min.) ljud, färg
Details: Region 2; bildformat: widescreen version 1.85:1; ljudformat: DTS, Dolby digital 5.1.
Contents: Extramaterial: Deleted scenes ; "Still dumb after all these years" ; Trailers
Other Titles: Dum och dummare
Dumb and dumber
Responsibility: written by Peter Farrelly & Bennett Yellin & Bobby Farrelly ; directed by Peter Farrelly.
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