Doctor Sleep : a novel (Book, 2014) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Doctor Sleep : a novel

Doctor Sleep : a novel

Author: Stephen King
Publisher: New York : Gallery Books, 2014. ©2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : This Gallery Bks. trade pbk. ed. June 2014View all editions and formats
Still haunted by his experiences at the Overlook Hotel, where he spent one year as a child, Dan Torrence has settled in New Hampshire to try to escape those and other ghosts of his past. When he meets Abra Stone, a twelve-year-old girl who shares Dan's gift of "shining," and discovers that a tribe of traveling paranormals called True Knot want to steal her power by slowly torturing her to death, he becomes  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Paranormal fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Stephen King
ISBN: 9781451698855 1451698852 9781518160936 151816093X
OCLC Number: 1366493669
Notes: Sequel to: The shining.
Description: 531 p. ; 21 cm.
Other Titles: Dr. Sleep
Responsibility: Stephen King.


Still haunted by his experiences at the Overlook Hotel, where he spent one year as a child, Dan Torrence has settled in New Hampshire to try to escape those and other ghosts of his past. When he meets Abra Stone, a twelve-year-old girl who shares Dan's gift of "shining," and discovers that a tribe of traveling paranormals called True Knot want to steal her power by slowly torturing her to death, he becomes determined to save the child.
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