Divergent : [eBook] (Book, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Divergent : [eBook]

Divergent : [eBook]

Author: Veronica Roth
Publisher: New York : Katherine Tegen Books, ©2011.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Secondary (senior high) school : English : Kindle edView all editions and formats
In a future Chicago, sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions to define her identity for the rest of her life, a decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomaly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in is not perfect after all.
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Genre/Form: Young adult fiction
Juvenile works
Young adult works
Science fiction
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Material Type: Fiction, Secondary (senior high) school
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Veronica Roth
ISBN: 0062024027 9780062024022
OCLC Number: 795184335
Notes: Sequel: Insurgent.
Description: 1 online resource (608 KB)
Responsibility: Veronica Roth.


In a future Chicago, sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions to define her identity for the rest of her life, a decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomaly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in is not perfect after all.
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