Dissolution (Book, 2004) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: C J Sansom
Publisher: London Pan 2004
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats

Henry VIII has ordered the dissolution of the monasteries and England is full of informers. At the monastery of Scarnsea, events have spiralled out of control with the murder of Commissioner Robin  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Historisk
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: C J Sansom
ISBN: 0330411969 9780330411967
Language Note: Engelsk tekst
OCLC Number: 1028357025
Awards: Short-listed for CWA New Blood Dagger 2003 (UK)
Short-listed for CWA Historical Dagger 2003 (UK)
Short-listed for Waverton Good Read Award 2003 (UK)
Description: 455 s
Responsibility: C.J. Sansom.
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