The day the Earth stood still. (Film, 2009) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The day the Earth stood still.

The day the Earth stood still.

Publisher: 20th Century Fox 2009.
Edition/Format:   Video : Videodisc   Visual material : EnglishView all editions and formats
Governments and scientists race to unravel the mystery behind a visitor's appearance. Dr. Helen Benson is a renowned scientist who finds herself face-to-face with an alien called Klaatu. Klaatu has traveled across the universe to warn of an impending global crisis. She quickly discovers the deadly ramifications of Klaatu's claim that he is a 'friend to the Earth.' Now, she and her yourng stepson must find a way to  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Feature films
Material Type: Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
OCLC Number: 779101828
Notes: 2009 and 1951 releases.
Performer(s): 2009 production: Keanu Reeves, Jaden Smith, Jaden Cleese, Jon Hamm, Kathy Bates. 1951 production: Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Francis Bavier, Lock Martin.
Description: 104 min. 2 videodiscs


Governments and scientists race to unravel the mystery behind a visitor's appearance. Dr. Helen Benson is a renowned scientist who finds herself face-to-face with an alien called Klaatu. Klaatu has traveled across the universe to warn of an impending global crisis. She quickly discovers the deadly ramifications of Klaatu's claim that he is a 'friend to the Earth.' Now, she and her yourng stepson must find a way to convince the entity who was sent to destroy humans that mankind is worth saving, but it may be too late.
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