The day the earth stood still (DVD video, 2003) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The day the earth stood still

The day the earth stood still

Author: Robert Wise; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2003.
Edition/Format:   DVD video : PAL color broadcast system : Multiple languages
A visitor from outer space comes with the warning that unless war is abolished, Earth will be destroyed by the more advanced planets of the universe.
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Material Type: Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Robert Wise; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal
Language Note: Dialogue in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Subtitles available in French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and English.
OCLC Number: 505325304
Notes: Rating: U.
DVD release of the 1951 motion picture.
On box: 08738DVD.
Credits: Screenplay, Edmund H. North based on a story by Harry Bates ; music, Bernard Herrmann.
Cast: Starring: Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe.
Description: 1 videodisc (88 min.) : PAL region 2, black and white
Responsibility: directed by Robert Wise.


A visitor from outer space comes with the warning that unless war is abolished, Earth will be destroyed by the more advanced planets of the universe.
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