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      Název / autor Typ Jazyk Datum / vydání Publikace Knihovna
1. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Erwin Stoff
Autor: Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; David Scarpa; Scott Derrickson; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm);
  DVD video
[Widescreen format]
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
2. The day the earth stood still Autor: Scott Derrickson
Autor: Scott Derrickson; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Robert Wise; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Harry Bates;
  DVD video
Beverly Hills, CA : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
3. The day the earth stood still.   Video   Obrazový materiál
20th Century Fox
Texas Group Catalog
4. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Scott Derrickson
Autor: Scott Derrickson; David Scarpa; Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Edmund H North; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm); Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.;
  Blu-ray video : Videodisc : Blu-ray disk   Obrazový materiál
Widescreen [version]
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
5. The day the Earth stood still.   Video : Videodisc   Obrazový materiál
20th Century Fox
Texas Group Catalog
6. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Erwin Stoff
Autor: Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; David Scarpa; Scott Derrickson; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Billy Gray; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Julian Blaustein; Harry Bates; Edmund H North; Robert Wise; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm); Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.;
  Blu-ray video : Blu-ray disk   Obrazový materiál
Blu-ray, widescreen
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
7. The day the earth stood still Autor: David Scarpa
Autor: David Scarpa; Edmund H North; Scott Derrickson; Erwin Stuff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; Tyler Bates; Harry Bates; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kyle Chandler; Kathy Bates; Dune Entertainment.; 3 Art Entertainment (Firm); Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Firm);
  DVD video
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
8. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Erwin Stoff
Autor: Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; David Scarpa; Scott Derrickson; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Billy Gray; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Julian Blaustein; Harry Bates; Edmund H North; Robert Wise; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm); Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.;
  DVD video
3-disc special ed
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
9. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Erwin Stoff
Autor: Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; David Scarpa; Scott Derrickson; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Billy Gray; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Julian Blaustein; Harry Bates; Edmund H North; Robert Wise; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm); Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.;
  Blu-ray video : Blu-ray disk   Obrazový materiál
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
10. The day the Earth stood still Autor: Scott Derrickson
Autor: Scott Derrickson; Erwin Stoff; Gregory Goodman; Paul Harris Boardman; David Scarpa; Wayne Wahrman; Tyler Bates; Keanu Reeves; Jennifer Connelly; Jaden Smith; John Cleese; Jon Hamm; Kathy Bates; Kyle Chandler; Robert Wise; Julian Blaustein; Edmund H North; Harry Bates; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Billy Gray; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation,; 3 Arts Entertainment (Firm),; Dune Entertainment,; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.,;
  DVD video : Vysílací systém NTSC
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
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