The day the Earth stood still (Film, 1951) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The day the Earth stood still

The day the Earth stood still

Author: Robert WiseJulian BlausteinEdmund H NorthLeo ToverWilliam ReynoldsAll authors
Publisher: United States: Produced by Twentieth Century Fox, United States: Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, 1951 1951
Edition/Format:   Film : Film   Visual material   Archival Material : EnglishView all editions and formats
An alien lands and tells the people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets.
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Genre/Form: Science fiction
Material Type: Film
Document Type: Visual material, Archival Material
All Authors / Contributors: Robert Wise; Julian Blaustein; Edmund H North; Leo Tover; William Reynolds; Bernard Herrmann; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; Sam Jaffe; Billy Gray; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.
OCLC Number: 1287825402
Notes: Item is in poor condition, film shrinkage and warping with some scratches.
Credits: Producer: Julian Blaustein ; director: Robert Wise ; screenwriter: Edmund H. North ; cinematographer: Leo Tover ; editor: William Reynolds ; music: Bernard Hermann
Cast: Michael Rennie (Klaatu), Patricia Neal (Helen Benson), Hugh Marlowe (Tom Stevens), Sam Jaffe (Professor Jacob Barnhardt), Billy Gray (Bobby Benson), Frances Bavier (Mrs. Barkley), Lock Martin (Gort)
Description: 3 film reels (92 minutes) : sound, black and white; 16 mm print.
Responsibility: Twentieth Century Fox.


An alien lands and tells the people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets.
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