Crescent (Book, 2003) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: Diana Abu-Jaber
Publisher: New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2003.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : 1st edView all editions and formats
"Thirty-nine-year-old Sirine, never married, lives with a devoted uncle and an adoring dog named King Babar in the Persian- and Arab-American community of Los Angeles known as Irangeles. She works as a chef in a Lebanese restaurant, her passions aroused only by cooking - until an unbearably handsome Arabic literature professor starts dropping by for a little home cooking. Falling in love with Hanif brings Sirine's
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Diana Abu-Jaber
ISBN: 039305747X 9780393057478 0393325547 9780393325546
OCLC Number: 1057988427
Notes: "First published as a Norton paperback 2004"--Title page verso.
Includes a reading group guide.
Description: 398, [16] pages ; 21 cm
Responsibility: Diana Abu-Jaber.


"Thirty-nine-year-old Sirine, never married, lives with a devoted uncle and an adoring dog named King Babar in the Persian- and Arab-American community of Los Angeles known as Irangeles. She works as a chef in a Lebanese restaurant, her passions aroused only by cooking - until an unbearably handsome Arabic literature professor starts dropping by for a little home cooking. Falling in love with Hanif brings Sirine's whole heart to a boil - stirring up memories of her parents and questions about her own identity as an Arab American."

"Meanwhile, a host of magnificent characters do their best to interfere with her life: her endlessly patient and thoroughly appealing uncle, who spins a magical story about an Arab slave who escapes his masters by pretending to drown (and ends up in Hollywood); her unrequited admirer, Nathan, an art photographer with disturbing obsessions and a dark past; and Umm Nadia, her saucy, matchmaking boss, who tells Sirine's fortune in the coffee grounds at the bottom of her cup."--Jacket.

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