City of promise : a novel of New York's Gilded Age (eBook, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
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City of promise : a novel of New York's Gilded Age

City of promise : a novel of New York's Gilded Age

Author: Beverly Swerling; 3M Company.
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Simon & Schuster, 2011.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
Beverly Swerling?s epic saga continues as New York emerges from the Civil War into the Gilded Age?a city marked by soaring expansion and teeming with unbridled ambition and dazzling glamour. Joshua Turner returns home from the war with only one leg yet determined to make his fortune. He aspires to build the city?s first apartment houses for Everyman, a daring vision that will make him the city?s first real estate  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Additional Physical Format: (OCoLC)785335494
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Beverly Swerling; 3M Company.
ISBN: 9781439156704 1439156700
OCLC Number: 869430819
Notes: Electronic book.
Description: 1 online resource (432 pages)
Responsibility: Beverly Swerling.


Beverly Swerling?s epic saga continues as New York emerges from the Civil War into the Gilded Age?a city marked by soaring expansion and teeming with unbridled ambition and dazzling glamour. Joshua Turner returns home from the war with only one leg yet determined to make his fortune. He aspires to build the city?s first apartment houses for Everyman, a daring vision that will make him the city?s first real estate titan but attracts the attention of a shadowy figure from his past. Mollie Brannigan, raised by her Auntie Eileen in the toniest bordello in town, is resigned at age twenty-two to spinsterhood. Then Joshua finds her at Macy?s, the city?s largest emporium, and takes her coaching in Central Park. In his love Mollie finds a world of possibilities, but a secret Eileen thought left behind in Ireland will force Mollie to employ all her wits to protect not just her chance at happiness but her life. Vividly imagined and awash in period detail, City of Promise delivers not only suspense and intrigue, daring plot twists and bitter rivalries, but also the captivating love story of two people struggling to forge their own destiny.
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